Fairy Tail
Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isnt just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the world's most infamous mage guilds: Fairy Tail. (source: ANN)
Download Links:
hey it's me again... uhmm? it's probably a lil problem for me... dont you have a link of this anime in mediafire.com like your other animes? it would take a long time for me download it like once a day (parallel dloads, i mean)
Yeah, I know.. . Sorry but I can only find Megaupload links.
well.. thanks for the effort anyways. best of luck! ..just comment here again if you got other links, ok?
If you start downloading now, I'm sure you'll finish faster.. . Downloading in Megaupload isn't that bad, you just have to keep your self busy.
tyy c: i love fairy tail ! O:
downloading o:
o: errr , 70 is already out o3o just saying
Added Eps. 69 & 70.
Episode 71 in March 21~ :3
when can u update again? o:
It's already completed.. .
OMG! looks like the admin of this blogspot stops giving us download links :( Too bad :((
Anyways, i found this blog yesterday and i really love it! :) Hoping that this blog will continue giving links. because it really helps alot of people including me :D
Your effort will not be wasted as long as you are helping others :D
Also, why not apply for an adsense? adhitz? or something? so that you can get some revenues while you are operating this blogspot. You might get a decent amount of money with that :D Good Luck !
Thanks ALOT!
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