Cromartie High School
Folks, meet Takashi Kamiyama. Enrolled at Cromartie High, where everybody is a delinquent, Kamiyama is apparently the only non-delinquent in the school. Logically, therefore, he must be the toughest in his class - by the rather twisted logic that only a really tough rabbit would lie down with lions. Thus begins a story that parodies every cliché of tough-guy anime that you've ever heard of, and some you haven't. Oh, and Freddie Mercury is in it, too. (source: ANN)
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The absolute funniest fucking thing in existence. When writing about Cromartie High School, even the memory of the show sets me into a fit of giggles. Arguably the single greatest first episode (and final episode, by association) in anime history, I knew I would love this show as soon as that random thug placed that pencil inside his mouth. He.…ate.…my.…pencil.…HE ATE MY PENCIL!
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